Our Resource Pages

It is important to be informed and to have a diet of information that helps us to understand how the ideas being promoted are producing consequences in our world. We can either be effective in responding to these ideas, or we can unwittingly contribute to the problem. Over the years, we have gathered some of the best resources available for responding to the ideas of our culture with the answer -- a Biblical worldview.

Let's be like the men of Issachar, who understood the times, to know what their country ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:32).

Nicole's Recommended Reads

“If you’ve attended at least one Member Meeting, you’ve heard me mention one of these books. 

These are all books that I have read and appreciate for the wealth of information they are in whatever focus they have. Pick up one the next time you’re at one of our Member Meetings

Below are links for you to find them elsewhere as well.” 

Nicole Theis, President, DFPC / DSF

** For more information on Member Meetings, reach out to us at [email protected]